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In this post, you will get NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011. NSEJS is the first phase of IJSO, it is organized by the IAPT with HBCSE. The full form of NSEJS is National Standard Examination in Junior Science. 

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PART A : Only ONE out of four options is correct

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NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 1:

Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?


A. If the net force on a body is zero, its velocity is constant or zero.

B. If the net force on a body is zero, its acceleration is constant or nonzero.

C. If the velocity of a body is constant, then its acceleration is zero.

D. A body may have a varying velocity yet a constant speed.

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 2:

Two forces each of magnitude P act on a body placed at a point O as shown. The force necessary to keep the body at rest is of magnitude


A. P along + X axis

B. P along – X axis

C. 2P along + X axis

D. 2/P along – X axis

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 3:

Two spheres having masses 10 g and 25 g are projected horizontally from the same height with velocities v1 and v2 and they fall to the ground in time intervals t1 and t2 respectively. If the ratio v1 : v2 is 1 : 3, then the ratio t1 : t2 will be


A. 10 : 25

B. 25 : 10

C. 1 : 1

D. 1 : 3

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 4:

The SI unit of temperature is 


A. degree Fahrenheit (F)

B. degree Celsius (C)

C. degree Kelvin

D. none of the above

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 5:

A convex lens L1 forms an image of the same size as that of the object at a distance of 24 cm. If the lens L1 is replaced by another convex lens L2, the image formed is magnified and erect. Therefore, he focal length is


A. less than 12 cm

B. 12 cm

C. between 12 cm and 24 cm

D. more than 24 cm

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 6:

A wooden ball of density 0.8 g/cm3 is placed in water. The ratio of the volume above the water surface to that below the water surface is


A. 0.25

B. 0.20

C. 2.0

D. 4.0

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 7:

The order of corrosion of metals, namely aluminum, iron, tin and zinc is 


A. Fe > Sn > Al > Zn

B. Sn > Fe > Al > Zn

C. Al > Zn > Fe > Sn

D. Fe > Zn > Sn > Al

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 8:

A stone is released from an elevator moving upwards with an acceleration a. The acceleration of the stone after the release is 


A. a upwards

B. (g – a) upwards

C. (g – a) downwards

D. g downwards

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 9:

A converging beam of light falls on a convex mirror of radius of curvature 20 cm, the point of convergence being 10 cm behind the mirror. The image is


A. virtual and formed 10 cm in front of the mirror

B. real and formed in front of the mirror

C. formed at infinity

D. virtual and formed 10 cm behind the mirror

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 11:

The different coloured dyes present in black ink can be separated by 


A. evaporation

B. distillation

C. centrifugation 

D. chromatography 

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 12:

Bacteria cannot survive in highly salted pickle because 


A. they become plasmolysed and consequently die.

B. they do anaerobic respiration

C. water is not available to them

D. all of the reason mentioned above

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 13:

In the absence of atmosphere refraction  


A. both the sunrise and the sunset would be delayed 

B. both the sunrise and sunset would occur earlier 

C. the sunrise would be delayed and the sunset would occur earlier

D. the sunrise would occur earlier and the sunset would be delayed

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 14:

When a sound wave moves through air along X axis, there is a variation in density of air in this direction. The graphical representation of this variation for two sound waves A and B is as shown, Which of the following statements is correct?


A. Frequency of A is greater than B

B. Velocity of B is greater than that of A

C. Wavelength of B is greater than that of A

D. Loudness of A is greater than that of B

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 15:

Cycas is classified as gymnosperm because of (i) presence of naked seeds, (ii) lack of vessel in xylem (iii) presence of sieve tubes (iv) fruit information


A. (i) and (iv)

B. (i) and (iii)

C. (i) and (ii)

D. (ii) and (iii)

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 16:

In the figure shown below, each of the lenses has a focal length of 10 cm. Therefore, the image formed by the combination of lenses is


A. Virtual, erect and magnified 

B. Virtual, inverted and diminished

C. Virtual, erect and diminished 

D. real, erect, and diminished

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 17:

A convex mirror used as the rear view of mirror of a motor vehicle has a warning written on it – Objects in this mirror are nearer than they appear. The reason for this warning is that 


A. the image is diminished

B. the image distance is less than the focal length of the mirror

C. the image distance is less than the objects distance 

D. The image distance is more than the object distance

NSEJS Previous Papers 2010-2011 Ques No 18:

While picking up a pair of eye glasses dropped by a friend, you noticed that they form an inverted of the background and that the image is stretched horizontally as well, Your suffered from  


A. only myopia 

B. only hypermetropia 

C. only astigmatism

D. hypermetropia and astigmatism

NSEJS Previous Paper 2010-2011 Ques No 23:

On the north pole, when the surface of sea gets frozen due to cold weather, eskimos can still fish by cutting a portion of ice at the surface to find the water underneath. This is possible because water


A. has low thermal conductivity 

B. has high specific heat

C. has high surface tension

D. shows anomalous behavior

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Previous Year Question Papers
2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
2018-19 2019-20

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I am AMAN KUMAR VISHWAKARMA (in short you can say AMAN RAJ). I am Mathematics faculty for academic and competitive exams. For more details about me, kindly visit me on LinkedIn (Copy this URL and Search on Google): https://www.linkedin.com/in/ambipi/

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