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SSC CGL Previous Year Math Number System Questions with Solutions

Hi students, Welcome to Amans Maths Blogs (AMBIPi). Are you preparing for SSC CGL Tier 1 and 2 and looking for SSC CGL Exam Math Number System Question with Solutions AMBIPi? In this article, you will get Previous Year Mathematics Questions asked in SSC CGL Tier 1 and Tier 2, which helps you in the preparation of government job exams of SSC CGL.

SSC CGL Exam Math Number System Question with Solutions

SSC CGL Exam Math Question: 1

Which of the following is correct ?

Option A : 2/3 < 3/5 < 11/15

Option B : 3/5<2/3<11/15

Option C : 11/15<3/5<2/3

Option D : 3/5<11/15<2/3

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Option B: 3/5<2/3<11/15

On making the denominators equal-
3/5 * 3/3 = 9/15
2/3 * 5/5 = 10/15
11/15 * 1/1 = 11/15
thus, 9/15<10/15<11/15 = 3/5<2/3<11/15
Hence, Option B is correct

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Questions: 2

A number when divided by 899 gives the remainder 63. If the same number is divided by 29, the remainder will be

Option A : 10

Option B : 5

Option C : 4

Option D : 2

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Option B : 5

Taking the smallest number which can be divided by 899 giving the remainder 63, i.e. 63 and on dividing 63 by 29 we get the remainder 5

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Paper: 3

1/0.04 is equal to:

Option A : 1/40

Option B : 2/5

Option C : 5/2

Option D : 25

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Option D : 25

0.04 = 4/100 and 1/0.04 = 1/4/100 thus, 1/0.04 = 100/4 = 25

SSC CGL Mock Test Math Question: 4

A six-digit number is formed by repeating a three-digit number; for example: 256,256 or 678,678 etc. any number of this form is exactly divisible by:

Option A : 7 only

Option B : 11 only

Option C : 13 only

Option D : 1001

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Option D : 1001

let the number be xyzxyz
by taking the corresponding place value of the numbers we can expand this into
100000x + 10000y + 1000z + 100x + 10y + 1z
100100x + 10010y + 1001z
taking common, we get 1001 (100x + 10y + z)
as we can see the six-digit number is a multiple of 1001, which itself is a factor of 7,11,13 as 1001 = 7*11*13
thus the six-digit number is divisible by 7,11,13,1001
so the correct answer would be 

SSC CGL Free Mock Test Math Question: 5

The smallest number to be added to 1000, so that 45 divides the sum exactly, is :

Option A : 35

Option B : 18

Option C : 20

Option D : 10

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Option A : 35

1000 = (45 × 22) + 10
45 – 10 = 35 to be added.
So, the smallest number to be added to 1000 to make the sum exactly divisible by 45 is 35.

SSC CGL Advance Math Question: 6

The divisor is 25 times the quotient and 5 times the remainder. If the quotient is 16, the dividend is :

Option A : 6400

Option B : 6480

Option C : 400

Option D : 480

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Option B: 6480

Quotient = 15,
Divisor = 25 times the quotient i.e 25*16 = 400
remainder = 5 times the quotient, i.e 5*16 = 80
Using Euclid’s division lemma,
Dividend = Divisor*Quotient+ remainder
= 400*16+80
= 6400+80
= 6480
Thus, the correct answer is Option B: 6480

SSC CGL Math Previous Year Question: 7

The product of two positive numbers is 11520 and their quotient is 9/5, find the difference of the two numbers

Option A : 60

Option B : 64

Option C : 74

Option D :70

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Option B : 64

Let the number be x and y
According to the question:
xy = 11520
x/y= 9/5
multiplying both the equations, we get
xy * x/y = 11520 * 9/5
x^2 = 2304 * 9
x = √2304 * 9
x = 48 * 3
x = 144
as x/y = 9/5
144/y = 9/5
by cross-multiplication we get
80 = y
The required difference = 144-80 = 64
Hence, the correct option is Option B: 64

SSC CGL Math Question Paper: 8

When a number is divided by 56, the remainder obtained is 29. What will be the remainder when the number is divided by 8 ?

Option A : 4

Option B : 5

Option C : 3

Option D : 7

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Option B : 5

Taking the smallest number which gives the remainder 29 when divided by 56, i.e. 29 itself
now dividing 29 by 8, we get the remainder 5
Hence, option B is correct

Advance Math Question Asked in SSC CGL: 9

A student was asked to multiply a number by 3/2 but he divided the number by 3/2. His result was 10 less than the correct answer, the number was

Option A : 10

Option B : 12

Option C : 15

Option D : 20

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Option B : 12

Let the number be x, the correct answer intended was 3/2*x or 3x/2
The wrong answer the student got was x divided by 3/2 or 2x/3
now, according to the question
The wrong answer is 10 less than the correct answer so,
The wrong answer  =  The correct answer – 10
2x/3 = 3x/2 – 10
2x/3 – 3x/2 = -10
-5x/6 = -10
cross-multiplying and multiplying both the sides with negative sign gets us
x = 60/5
x = 12
thus the correct answer is Option B

Previous Year Math Question Paper SSC CGL: 10

A number being divided by 52 gives remainder 45. If the number is divided by 13, the remainder will be

Option A : 5

Option B : 6

Option C : 12

Option D : 7

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Option B : 6

Taking the smallest number which gives the remainder 45 on being divided by 52, i.e. 45 itself
On dividing 45 by 13, we get the remainder 6 . Hence, Option B is correct

SSC CGL Exam Math Number System Question: 11

If 3/4 of the difference of 2 1/4 and 1 2/3 is subtracted from 2/3 of 3 1/4 the result is

Option A : -48/83

Option B : 48/83

Option C : -83/48

Option D : 83/48

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Option D : 83/48

First, converting mixed fractions in the form of improper fractions, we get
2 1/4 = 9/4
1 2/3 = 5/3
3 1/4 = 13/4
now on breaking down the question we get:
3/4 of (The difference of 9/4 and 5/3) subtracted from 2/3 of 13/4
3/4 * (9/4 – 5/3) subtracted from 2/3*13/4
3/4*(7/12) subtracted from 26/12
21/48 subtracted from 26/12
26/12 – 21/48
Hence, Option D is correct

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Number System Questions: 12

A number when divided successively by 4 and 5 leaves remainder 1 and 4 respectively. When it is successively divided by 5 and 4 the respective remainders will be

Option A : 4,1

Option B : 3,2

Option C : 2,3

Option D : 1,2

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Option C : 2, 3

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Number System Paper: 13

In a division problem, the divisor is 4 times the quotient and 3 times the remainder. If remainder is 4, the dividend is

Option A : 36

Option B : 40

Option C : 12

Option D : 30

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Option B : 40

The divisor = 3 times the remainder
= 3*4 = 12
also the divisor = 4 times the quotient
so, 12 = 4*quotient
quotient = 3
now using Euclid’s division lemma
Dividend = divisor*quotient + remainder
= 12*3+4
=36 + 4
Hence , Option B is the correct answer

SSC CGL Mock Test Math Number System Question: 14

Each member of a picnic party contributed twice as many rupees as the total number of members and the total collection was ₹3042. The number of members present in the party was

Option A : 2

Option B : 32

Option C : 40

Option D : 39

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Option D : 39

let the number of members be x
then, each member donated 2x rupees.
Now the total collection= number of member * money contributed by each member
= x * 2x
= 2x^2
3042 = 2x^2
1521 = x^2
√1521 = x
39 = x
hence, there were 39 members and option D is correct

SSC CGL Free Mock Test Math Number System Question: 15

A number when divided by 3 leaves a remainder 1. When the quotient is divided by 2, it leaves a remainder 1. What will be the remainder when the number is divided by 6?

Option A : 3

Option B : 4

Option C : 5

Option D : 2

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Option B: 4

SSC CGL Advance Math Number System Question: 16

The product of two numbers is 9375 and the quotient, when the larger one is divided by the smaller, is 15. The sum of the numbers is :

Option A : 395

Option B : 380

Option C : 400

Option D : 425

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Option C : 400

Let the numbers be x and y and let x>y so,
xy = 9375
x/y = 15
multiplying both equations
x^2 = 140625
x = √140625
x = 375
Now using x = 375 in x/y=15
by cross-multiplying
y = 25
and x + y = 375 + 25 = 400
hence Option C is correct

SSC CGL Math Previous Year Number System Question: 17

A number, when divided by 119, leaves a remainder of 19. If it is divided by 17, it will leave a remainder of :

Option A : 19

Option B : 10

Option C : 7

Option D : 2

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Option D : 2

let the number be x
by euclids division lemma,
x = 119*quotient(let it be k) + remainder(given in the question)
x = 119k + 19
x = 17*7k + 17 + 2
x = 17(7k+1) + 2
thus, by comparing we get that when the number is divided by 17, we get 7k+1 as quotient and 2 as remainder
Hence, Option D is correct

SSC CGL Math Number System Question Paper: 18

A number divided by 68 gives the quotient 269 and remainder zero. If the same number is divided by 67, the remainder is :

Option A : 0

Option B : 1

Option C : 2

Option D : 3

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Option D : 3

Advance Math Number System Question Asked in SSC CGL: 19

A number when divided by 6 leaves remainder 3. When the square of the same number is divided by 6, the remainder is :

Option A : 0

Option B : 1

Option C : 2

Option D : 3

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Option D : 4

Quotient = 16

Divisor = 25 × 16 = 400 and remainder = 80

Dividend = Divisor × quotient + Remainder
= 400 × 16 + 80
= 6400 + 80 = 6480

Previous Year Math Number System Question Paper SSC CGL: 20

When a number is divided by 893, the remainder is 193. What will be the remainder when it is divided by 47 ?

Option A : 3

Option B : 5

Option C : 25

Option D : 33

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Option D : 4

Let the numbers be x and y

xy = 11520 and x/y = 9/5

xy x x/y = 11520 x 9/5

⇒ x2 = 2304 x 9


x/5 = 9/5 we have

y = 5×144/9 = 80

Required difference = 144 – 80 = 64 

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