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Advance Math Number System Question Asked in SSC CGL

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SSC CGL Exam Math Number System Question with Solutions

SSC CGL Exam Math Question: 1

Find the unit digit in the product (4387)245 × (621)72

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 5

Option D : 7

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Option D: 7

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Questions: 2

The unit digit in 3 × 38 × 537 ×1256 is

Option A : 4

Option B : 2

Option C : 6

Option D : 8

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Option D : 8

Unit’s digit in 3 × 38 × 537 ×1256= Unit’s digit in 3 × 8 × 7 × 6
= 4 × 2 = 8

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Paper: 3

By interchanging the digits of a two digit number we get a number which is four times the original number minus 24. If the unit’s digit of the original number exceeds its ten’s digit by 7, then original number is

Option A : 29

Option B : 36

Option C : 58

Option D : 18

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Option A : 29

Let the two–digit number be
10x + y where x < y.
Number obtained on reversing
the digits =10y + x
According to the question,
10y + x = 4 (10x + y) – 24 

From equation (ii),
y – 2 = 7 Þ y = 2 + 7 = 9
Number = 10x + y =10 ́2+9= 29

SSC CGL Mock Test Math Question: 4

There is a number consisting of two digits, the digit in the units’ place is twice that in the tens’ place and if 2 be subtracted from the sum of the digits, the difference is equal to 1/6th of the number . The number is 

Option A : 26

Option B : 25

Option C : 24

Option D : 23

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Option C : 24

Ten’s digit of original number
= x
Unit’s digit = 2x
Number = 10x + 2x = 12x
According to the question,

3x – 2 = 1/6 x 12x = 3x – 2 = 2x

3x – 2x = 2

x = 2

Number = 12x = 12 × 2 = 2 = 24

SSC CGL Free Mock Test Math Question: 5

The sum of three consecutive odd natural numbers is 147. Then, the middle number is

Option A : 47

Option B : 48

Option C : 49

Option D : 51

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Option C : 49

x + x + 2 + x + 4 = 147
3 x + 6 = 147
3 x = 147 – 6 = 141

X = 141/3 = 47

Middle Number
= x + 2 = 47 + 2 = 49

SSC CGL Advance Math Question: 6

The sum of first 20 odd natural numbers is equal to :

Option A : 210

Option B : 300

Option C : 400

Option D : 420

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Option D : 5/7

Series of first 20 odd natural numbers is an arithmetic pro-gression with 1 as the first term and the common difference 2.Sum of n terms in arithmetic
progression is given by.

Where a : First term common difference

= 10 [2 + 38]=10 × 40 = 400
Note :Sum of first n consecutive odd numbers = n2

SSC CGL Math Previous Year Question: 7

The sum of all natural numbers from 75 to 97 is

Option A : 1598

Option B : 1798

Option C : 1958

Option D : 1978

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Option D : 1978

Series of all natural numbers
from 75 to 97 is in A.P. whose
first term,
a = 75, last term, l = 97
If number of terms be n, then 23/2 x 172 = 1978

SSC CGL Math Question Paper: 8

The sum of all natural numbers between 100 and 200, which are multiples of 3 is :The least among the fractions 15/16, 19/20, 24/25, 34/35 is

Option A : 5000

Option B : 4950

Option C : 4980

Option D : 4900

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Option B : 4950

Numbers divisible by 3 and
lying between 100 and 200 are :
102, 105,….. 198
Let number of terms = n
198 = 102 + (n–1) 3 

32/2 (102 + 198 ) = 4950

Advance Math Question Asked in SSC CGL: 9

The sum of the squares of three consecutive natural numbers is 2030. Then, what is the middle number?

Option A : 25

Option B : 26

Option C : 27

Option D : 28

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Option B: 26

Required number = x + 1= 25 + 1 = 26

Previous Year Math Question Paper SSC CGL: 10

The sum of three consecutive odd natural numbers is 87. The smallest of these numbers is

Option A : 29

Option B : 31

Option C : 23

Option D : 27

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Option D : 27

Let the three odd consecutive
natural numbers be x, x + 2 and
x + 4.
According to the question
x + x + 2 + x + 4 = 87
or 3x + 6 = 87
or 3x = 81 \ x = 27
Smallest number = 27

SSC CGL Exam Math Number System Question: 11

Sum of three consecutive even integers is 54. Find the least among them.

Option A : 18

Option B : 15

Option C : 14

Option D : 16

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Option B : 16

Let three consecutive even
integers be 2x, 2x + 2 and 2x + 4
2x + 2x + 2 + 2x + 4 = 54
Þ 6x + 6 = 54
6x = 54 – 6 = 48
x = 8
The least even number
= 2 × 8 = 16

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Number System Questions: 12

The sum of three consecutive numbers is 87. The middle number is

Option A : 27

Option B : 29

Option C : 30

Option D : 28

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Option B : 29

Let three consecutive natural
numbers be x, x+1, x+2.
According to the question,
x + x + 1 + x + 2 = 87
Þ 3x + 3 = 87 

Middle number = 28 + 1 = 29

SSC CGL Previous Year Math Number System Paper: 13

What is the sum of two consecutive even numbers, the difference of whose square is 84?

Option A : 38

Option B : 34

Option C : 42

Option D : 46

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Option C : 42

The required sum = 20 + 22 = 42

SSC CGL Mock Test Math Number System Question: 14

The sum of first 50 odd natural numbers is

Option A : 1000

Option B : 1250

Option C : 5200

Option D : 2500

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Option D : 2500

S = 1 + 3 + 5 + ….. to 50 terms
Here, a = 1
d = 3 – 1 = 2
n = 50  = 25 (2 + 98) = 25 × 100
= 2500

SSC CGL Free Mock Test Math Number System Question: 15

The sum of all the 3-digit numbers, each of which on division by 5 leaves remainder 3, is

Option A : 180

Option B : 1550

Option C : 6995

Option D : 99090

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Option D : 99090

According to the question,
First number = a = 103
Last number = l = 998
If the number of such numbers be n, then,

= 90 × 1101 = 99090

SSC CGL Advance Math Number System Question: 16

The sum of all the 3-digit numbers is

Option A : 98901

Option B : 494550

Option C : 8991

Option D : 899

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Option B : 494550

First 3 – digit number = 100
Last 3 – digit number = 999
Number of terms = 900

= 450 × 1099 = 494550

SSC CGL Math Previous Year Number System Question: 17

Out of six consecutive natural numbers, if the sum of first three is 27, what is the sum of the other three ?

Option A : 36

Option B : 35

Option C : 25

Option D : 24

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Option A : 36

x + x + 1 + x + 2 = 27
3x + 3 = 27
3x = 24
x = 8

Three consecutive no’s whose sum is 27 are 8, 9,10. Hence, next 3 consecutive no’s having 36 as sum are 11, 12 and 13

SSC CGL Math Number System Question Paper: 18

The sum of three consecutive odd natural numbers each divisible by 3 is 72. What is the largest among them?

Option A : 21

Option B : 24

Option C : 27

Option D : 26

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Option C : 27

Let the numbers be 3x, 3x +3 and 3x + 6
3x + 3x + 3 + 3x + 6 = 72
Þ 9x + 9 = 72
Þ 9x = 72 – 9 = 63

Largest number
= 3x + 6 = 3 × 7 + 6 = 27

Advance Math Number System Question Asked in SSC CGL: 19

Find the sum of all positive multiples of 3 less than 50

Option A : 400

Option B : 404

Option C : 408

Option D : 412

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Option C : 408

Previous Year Math Number System Question Paper SSC CGL: 20

What is the arithmetic mean of first 20 odd natural numbers

Option A : 19

Option B : 17

Option C : 22

Option D : 20

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Option D : 4

Sum of first n odd natural numbers = n2 = (20)2 = 400 

Required average = 400/20 = 20 

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