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Brain Teasers Alphabet Test Riddles Puzzles Questions Answer Keys AMBIPi

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Alphabet Test Riddles No 1: In the alphabets: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Which letter in this alphabet is the eighth letter to the right of the letter and which is the tenth letter to the left of the last but one letter of the alphabet?

Option A : X

Option B : W

Option C : I

Option D : H

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Option B : W

In the given alphabet, last but one letter of alphabet is Y. 10th letter to the left of Y is O. 8th letter to the right of O is W

Alphabet Test Puzzles No 2: How many letters are there in the word BACKLASH, each of which is as far away from the beginning of the word as it is from the beginning of the English alphabet ?

Option A : One

Option B : Two

Option C : Three

Option D : None

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Option B : Two

Clearly, C and H are respectively the third and eighth letters in the word BACKLASH as well as in the English alphabet. Thus, there are two such letters.

Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 3: The following series are based on letter series in which some letters are missing. The missing letters are given in a proper sequence as one of the alternatives among the given four alternatives under each question.

Fill the blank in the series.

__ ab __ ab __ a __ pad

Option A : aapp

Option B : apap

Option C : pppb

Option D : bbaa

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Option C : pppb

The sequence is: pab / pab / pab / pab

Challenging Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 4: In the alphabets: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Which letter will come exactly between the tenth letter from your left and the seventh letter from your right. Without changing any order in the original from the alphabet?

Option A : N

Option B : P

Option C : O

Option D : Q

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Option B : W

10th letter from your left is J. 7th letter from your right is T. The mid letter between J and T is O.

Alphabet Test Math Riddles No 5: In the alphabets: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z.

Choose the missing term out of the given alternatives.

A, CD, GHI, …., UVWXY.

Option A : LMNO

Option B : KNOL

Option C : NOPQ

Option D : MNOP

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Option D : MNOP

The number of letters in each term is increasing by one. First letter of each term is +1, +3, +5.

Math Puzzles No 6: In the alphabets: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Which letter will be the eighth to the right of the third letter of the second half of the English alphabet ?

Option A : V

Option B : W

Option C : X

Option D : Y

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Option C : X

Clearly, the first half of English alphabet has letters from A to M, and the second half has letters from N to Z. The third letter of the second half is P, and the eighth letter to the right of P is X.

Brain Puzzles No 7: In these series, you will be looking at both the letter pattern and the number pattern.

Fill the blank in the middle of the series or end of the series

SCD, TEF, UGH, ___, WKL.

Option A : CMN

Option B : UJI

Option C : VIJ

Option D : IJT

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Option C : VIJ

There are two alphabetical series here. The first series is with the first letters only: STUVW. The second series involves the remaining letters: CD, EF, GH, IJ, KL

Tricky Alphabet Test Puzzles No 8: If only the last ten letters of the alphabet are written in the reverse order, which of the following will be the sixth to the right of the thirteenth letter from the left end ?

Option A : U

Option B : V

Option C : W

Option D : X

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Option D : X

The new alphabet series is : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Z Y X W V U T S R Q The thirteenth letter from the left is M. The sixth letter
to the right of M is X.

Brain Teasers Riddles No 9: How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘CASTRAPHONE’ which have as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabet?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option C : 3

Looking into the alphabets there are four such pairs namely ON, EH, ST, TO.

Math Brain Teaser No 10:  If every alternative letter of English alphabet from B onwards (including B) is written in lower case (small letters) and the remaining letters are capitalized, then how will the first month of the second half of the year be written?

Option A : JuLy

Option B : AuGuSt

Option C : jUlY

Option D : AugUSt

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Option C : jUlY

The new letter series becomes : A b C d E f G h I j K l M n O p Q r S t U v W x Y Z. The first month of the second half of the year is July,
which shall be written as jUlY.

Alphabet Test Riddles No 11: In each of the following questions, four words are given. Which of them will be the last if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary?

Option A : Praise

Option B : Practical

Option C : Prank

Option D : Prayer

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Option D : Prayer

Practical, Praise, Prank, Prayer

Alphabet Test Puzzles No 12: If the letters in the word RUTHENIUM are rearranged in the alphabetical order, which letter will be second to the right of middle letter?

Option A : I

Option B : T

Option C : N

Option D : R

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Option B : T

Alphabetical order of the letters of the word RUTHENIUM: E H I M N R T U U. Middle Letter = N. will be second to the right of middle letter is T.

Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 13: If a meaningful English word has to be formed using 1st, 3rd, 5th and 8th letters of the word (each letter to be used once only) “SOUVENIR” then which of the following will be third letter of such word? If more than one such words can be formed then mark ‘M’ as your answer and if no meaningful English word can be formed then mark “P” as your answer.

Option A : E

Option B : S

Option C : R

Option D : M

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Option D : M

1st, 3rd, 5th and 8th letters of SOUVENIR are S,U, E and R. Meaningful English words formed so are – USER, RUSE and SURE.

Challenging Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 14: In each of the following questions, four words are given. Which of them will be the last if all of them are arranged alphabetically as in a dictionary? ?

Option A : Nature

Option B : Native

Option C : Narrate

Option D : Nascent

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Option A : Nature

Narrate, Nascent, Native, Nature.

Alphabet Test Math Riddles No 15: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . Which letter in this alphabet is the eighth letter to the right of the letter and which is tenth letter to the left of the last but one letter of the alphabet?.

Option A : Y

Option B : W

Option C : G

Option D : F

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Option B : W

In the given alphabet, last but one letter of alphabet is Y. 10th letter to the left of Y is O. 8th letter to the right of O is W

Math Puzzles No 16: If a meaningful English word has to be formed using 1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 15th letters of the word “Acknowledgement” such that one letter is used only once then which of the following is third letter of that word? If more than one such words can be formed then mark ‘X’ as your answer, If no such word can be formed then mark ‘Y’ as your answer.

Option A : A

Option B : E

Option C : N

Option D : X

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Option D : X

1st, 4th, 5th, 8th, 9th and 15th letters of the word “Acknowledgement” are A,N,O,E,D and T. The meaningful English words that can be formed are “DONATE” and “ATONED”

Brain Puzzles No 17: Number of letters skipped in between adjacent letters in the series decreases by two. Which of the following series observes this rule ?

Option A : EPVAF

Option B : GPWBE

Option C : UCJOP

Option D : XFMQU

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Option B : GPWBE

+8, +6, +4, +2

Tricky Alphabet Test Puzzles No 18: If only the last ten letters of the alphabet are written in the reverse order, which of the following will be the sixth to the right of the thirteenth letter from the left end ?

Option A : U

Option B : V

Option C : W

Option D : X

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Option D : X

The new alphabet series is : A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Z Y X W V U T S R Q The thirteenth letter from the left is M. The sixth letter
to the right of M is X.

Brain Teasers Riddles No 19: If in the word ‘DISTURBANCE’, the first letter is interchanged with the last letter, the second letter is interchanged with the tenth letter and so on, which letter would come after the letter T in the newly formed word?

Option A : T

Option B : S

Option C : R

Option D : C

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Option B : S

The new letter sequence is E C N A B R U T S I D. Clearly, S comes after T

Math Brain Teaser No 20:  If first, third and sixth letters of the word “LINGUIST” are changed to their immediately preceding letters as per English alphabet series and fourth and seventh letters are changed to their immediately succeeding letters as per English alphabet series, then how many letters (in English alphabet series) are there between the third and fifth letters of the newly formed word?

Option A : 5

Option B : 6

Option C : 7

Option D : 8

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Option C : 7

Given word: LINGUIST. New word: KIMHUHTT. Third letter of new word is ‘M’ and fifth letter is ‘U’. Number of letters between M and U (in English alphabet series ) is 7.

Alphabet Test Riddles No 21: This questions is based on the following alphabet series :

Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A.

Which alphabet comes immediately before the sixth alphabet from the right extreme of the given alphabets ?

Option A : E

Option B : F

Option C : G

Option D : U

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Option A : E

The sixth letter from the right is F. E comes immediately before F.

Alphabet Test Puzzles No 22: If the following English alphabet, if second half of the alphabet is written in reverse order, which of the letter is 7th right of 16th letter from the left?

Option A : O

Option B : P

Option C : Q

Option D : R

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Option C : Q

A B C D E F G H I J K L M Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N. (16 + 7) = 23th letter from your LEFT is Q.

Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 23: If second, fifth, seventh and ninth letters of the given word “PROPHLACTIC” are changed to their second next letter as per alphabet series then all the letters are arranged as per alphabetical order within the letter, then how many letters in English alphabet series are there between the fourth letter from left end and sixth letter from right end?

Option A : 3

Option B : 4

Option C : 5

Option D : 6

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Option D : 6

Given Word: PROPHYLACTIC. New Word: PTOPJYNAETIC. Alphabetical Order: ACEIJNOPPTTY. Fourth letter from left end and sixth letter from right end are ‘I’ and ‘O’ respectively. Number of letters in English alphabet series between I and O is 5. 

Challenging Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 24: How many pairs of letters are there in the word ‘BUCKET’ which have as many letters between them in the word as in the alphabet?

Option A : One

Option B : Two

Option C : Three

Option D : Four

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Option A : One


Alphabet Test Math Riddles No 25: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z . If the alphabet series is written in the reverse order, which letter will be fifth to the left of the fourteenth letter from the left ?

Option A : R

Option B : I

Option C : S

Option D : V

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Option A : R

Since the letters of the alphabet are reversed, take the left and right as right and left. Thus fourteenth letter from the right of the alphabet is M and the fifth letter from M to the right is R

Math Puzzles No 26: How many meaningful English words can be formed with the letters ESRO using each letter only
once in each word?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option C : 3

Meaningful words are ROSE, SORE and EROS. Note the meaning of the words SORE and EROS with the help of dictionary

Brain Puzzles No 27: If all the letters in the given word “PROPHLACTIC” that come after ‘M’ in English alphabet series are either immediately preceded or immediately succeeded by a vowel then change such letter to its reverse letter as per the alphabet series then how many meaningful English words can be formed from the first, second, seventh and ninth letter of the newly formed word?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option A : 1

Given Word: PROPHYLACTIC. New Word: PIOKHYLACGIC. Its first, second, seventh and ninth letters are: P, I, L and C. Meaningful word using these letters is “CLIP”, which is a device used for holding objects.

Tricky Alphabet Test Puzzles No 28: If every even letter beginning from B is replaced by odd number starting with 3, which letter/number will be the third to the right of the tenth number/letter counting from your right.

Option A : M

Option B : S

Option C : 11

Option D : 21

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Option D : 21

The new series is A 3 C 5 E 7 G 9 I 11 K 13 M 15 O 17 Q 19 S 21 U 23 W 25 Y 27. Counting from the right, the tenth character is Q, and
the third character to the right of Q is 21.

Brain Teasers Riddles No 29: If the first and second letters in the word DEPRESSION’ were interchanged, also the third and the fourth letters, the fifth and the sixth letters and so on, which of the following would be the seventh letter from the right ?

Option A : O

Option B : R

Option C : S

Option D : P

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Option D : P

The new letter sequence is EDRPSEISNO. The seventh letter from the right is P.

Math Brain Teaser No 30:  If in the word “SPIRITUAL”, position of second and fifth letters is interchanged similarly position of fourth and sixth letter is interchanged with seventh and ninth letters respectively, then how many pair of letters in the new word have as many letters between them (either forward or backward) as they have in the English alphabet series?

Option A : 3

Option B : 4

Option C : 5

Option D : 6

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Option C : 5

Given word: SPIRITUAL. New word: SIIUPLRAT.  

Thus we can have 5 such pairs in the new word that have as many letters between them (either forward or backward) as they have in English alphabet series.

Alphabet Test Riddles No 31: If the positions of the fifth and twelfth letters of the word GLORIFICATIONS are interchanged, and likewise the positions of the fourth and fourteenth letters, the third and tenth letters, the second and eleventh letters and the first and thirteenth letters are interchanged, which of the following will be the twelfth letter from the right end ?

Option A : I

Option B : O

Option C : R

Option D : T

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Option A : E


The new letter sequence is NITSOFICAOLIGR. The twelfth letter from the right is T. 

Alphabet Test Puzzles No 32: From the word ‘ASTOUNDER’, how many independent words can be made with-out changing the order of the letters and using each letter only once?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option D : 4

The new letter sequence is EDRPSEISNO. The seventh letter from the right is P. 

Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 33: If in the word “SKEPTICAL”, third, fifth and ninth letters are changed to their reverse letters as per English alphabet series and second, fourth and seventh letters are changed to their second next letters (as per alphabet series) then how many pair of letters has as many letters between them (either backward or forward) as they have in the English alphabet series?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option B : 2

Given word: SKEPTICAL. New word: SMVRGIEAO.

Clearly two such pairs are there.

Challenging Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 34: If the first three letters of the word COMPREHENSION are reversed, then the last three letters are added and then the remaining letters are reversed and added, then which letter will be exactly in the middle?

Option A : H

Option B : N

Option C : R

Option D : S

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Option D : S

Clearly, we have :
COMPREHENSION => (COM) (PREHENS) (ION) => MOCIONSNEHERP The middle letter is the seventh letter, which is S

Alphabet Test Math Riddles No 35: If each of the vowels i.e. A, E, I, O & U along with the 3rd letter to it right in the alphabet are taken out and arranged one after the other in the same order followed by the remaining letters of the alphabet, which of the following will be 5th to the left of the 19th letter from the left in the new arrangement?

Option A : G

Option B : H

Option C : J

Option D : W

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Option A : G

Arranging English alphabet according to the instructions given, we get, A D E H I L O R U X B C F G J K M N P Q S T V W Y Z.

= (19 – 5) = 14th from the left.

Math Puzzles No 36: If in the word “IRONICAL” all the vowels are changed to their second next letter as per English alphabet series and then all the letters are arranged as per reverse alphabetical order then how many letters in English alphabet series are between the third letter from right end and fifth letter from left end?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : None of these

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Option D : None of these

Given word: IRONICAL. New word: KRQNKCCL. Arranging letters: RQNLKKCC. Third letter from right end is K and fifth letter from left end is also K. Hence, both letters will be same.

Brain Puzzles No 37: If the first and second letters in the word DEPRESSION were interchanged, also the third and the fourth letters, the fifth and the sixth letters and so on, which of the following would be the seventh letter from the right ?

Option A : R

Option B : O

Option C : S

Option D : None of these

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Option A : 1

The new letter sequence is EDRPSEISNO. The seventh letter from the right is P.

Tricky Alphabet Test Puzzles No 38: If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the second, fourth, fifth, eleventh and thirteenth letters of the word ESTABLISHMENT, using each letter of only once, write second letter of that word as your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, write ‘M’ as your answer and if no such word can be formed, write ‘X’ as your answer.

Option A : B

Option B : A

Option C : E

Option D : M

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Option D : M

E S T A B L I S H M E N T BEATS, BEAST etc word are interchanging between themselves in the second word. But in option 4, the fourth letter ‘W’ in the first word becomes Z in the second word, which should be Y.

Brain Teasers Riddles No 39: If in the word “IRONICAL” a meaningful English word has to be made using 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th letters of the word, then find the third letter of the word. If more than one words can be formed mark “M” as your answer. If no such word can be formed then mark ‘X’ as your answer.

Option A : L

Option B : A

Option C : M

Option D : X

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Option B : A

Given word: IRONICAL. 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th letters of the word are – O, N, A and L. Meaningful English word is “LOAN”. Third letter of LOAN is ‘A”.

Math Brain Teaser No 40:  If the positions of the third and tenth letters of the word DOCUMENTION are interchanged, and likewise the positions of the fourth and seventh letters, the second and sixth letters is interchanged, which of the following will be eleventh from the right end ?

Option A : C

Option B : I

Option C : T

Option D : U

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Option C : T

Alphabet Test Riddles No 41: If in the English alphabet, all the letters at odd-numbered positions are written in serial order from left to right followed by the letters at even-numbered positions written in reverse order, which letter will be sixth to the left of seventeenth letter from left?

Option A : D

Option B : B

Option C : V

Option D : U

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Option D : U

A C E G I K M O Q S U W Y Z X V T R P N L J H F D B = (17 – 1) = 11th from left.

Alphabet Test Puzzles No 42: How many pair of letters in the word “PRUDENTIAL” has as many letters (either forward or backward) between them as they have in the English alphabet series?

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option D : 4

4 such pairs are there in the given word

Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 43: Arrange the given words in alphabetical order and tick the one that comes in the 2nd position.

Option A : Restrict

Option B : Rocket

Option C : Robber

Option D : Radom

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Option A : Restrict

Arranging the words in alphabetical order, we have Random, Restrict, Robber, Rocket. So the word in the 2nd position is Restrict.

Challenging Alphabet Test Brain Teaser No 44: If every third letter from the following English alphabet is dropped, which letter will be seventh to the right of eleventh letter from your right?

Option A : V

Option B : U

Option C : K

Option D : I

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Option A : V

After dropping every third letter, we get A B D E G H J K M N P Q S T V W Y Z = (11 – 7) = 4th from the right.

Alphabet Test Math Riddles No 45: In the word “DUTIFUL”, how many pair of letters has as many letters in between as they have in between them in English alphabet series?

Option A : 4

Option B : 3

Option C : 2

Option D : 1

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Option C : 2

There are 2 such pairs.

Math Puzzles No 46: Select the combination of numbers so that letters arranged accordingly will form a meaningful word. R-1 A-2 C-3 E-4 T-5 

Option A : 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Option B : 3, 2, 1, 4, 5

Option C : 5, 2, 3, 4, 1

Option D : 5, 1, 2, 3, 4

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Option D : 5,1,2,3,4

Clearly, the given letters, when arranged in the order 5, 1, 2, 3, 4 from the word ‘TRACE’.

Brain Puzzles No 47: Four of the following five letter groups of the English alphabet given above are alike in a certain way and so form a group. On the basis of their position in English alphabet, which is the one that does not belong the group?

Option A : DKGK

Option B : FMI

Option C : MTP

Option D : HOL

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Option D : HOL

In all others, the sequence is that of +7 and -4 respectively.

Tricky Alphabet Test Puzzles No 48: How many such pairs of letters are there in the word ‘PERFORATE’ which have as many letters between them as in the English alphabetical series?.

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : 4

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Option B : 2

Two such pairs are there that satisfy the condition given.

Brain Teasers Riddles No 49: Rearrange the first four letters, in any way, of the word DECISION. Find how many words can be formed by using all the four words.

Option A : 1

Option B : 2

Option C : 3

Option D : More than 3

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Option A : 1

The first four letters are D, E, C, I and only word DICE can be formed.

Math Brain Teaser No 50: I If it is possible to make a meaningful word from the second fourth, tenth and twelfth letters of the word ADVERTISEMENT, using each letter only once, write the last letter of the word as your answer. If more than one such word can be formed, write ‘P’ as your answer and if no such word can be formed, write ‘X’ as your answer.

Option A : P

Option B : X

Option C : N

Option D : D

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Option D : D

The respective letter is D, E, M and N. Of these letters, only MEND can be formed.

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